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Password Manager for SQL Server

Provides secure storage of sensitive personal and corporate information.


"It provides secure storage of sensitive personal and corporate information."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Advanced Reliable Password Manager for SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server database provides secure storage of sensitive personal and corporate information. Application more than one user to one or more user name / password protected accounts to protect their permits, and each data record the following information, password, user name and short description, long description, website URL and the 'other information follows. Microsoft SQL Server database table records all the data remains encrypted in the database and by users with read permission can not be displayed. When directly or via SQL query data will appear as a series of meaningless characters accessed. Microsoft SQL Server database
manage passwords
Microsoft SQL Server database to store passwords
Microsoft SQL Server database password save
Microsoft SQL Server database password encryption
Microsoft SQL Server database password editing
Manage Microsoft SQL Server database login
Microsoft SQL Server database to store login <br> Microsoft SQL Server database login Register
Microsoft SQL Server database login passwords
Organize Microsoft SQL Server database login
Multi-user password manager software
Multi-user password manager software database storage
Multi-user password manager software with encryption
Multi-user Password Organizer software
Multi-user password organizer software with database repository
Multi-user password organizer software with encryption
Multi-user login organizer software
Multi-user login organizer software with database repository
Multi SQL Server Password Manager 1.2 now download free user login organizer software with encryption may be.

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